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WOWHAUS, Golden Spiral, 2018

Golden Spiral
Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Stainless Steel, Concrete

The pursuit of beauty, of underlying order, lies at the core of intellectual inquiry. Explored since ancient times, and made popular through the works of Leonardo Fibonacci and Johannes Kepler in the Middle Ages, the Golden Ratio is visualized here as a logarithmic spiral. It has been used to describe and make interdisciplinary connections among a multitude of fields, such as branching on growth patterns in nature, movements of robots, harmony and resonance in music, and planetary motion and astronomical phenomena. Based on the mathematical proportions of the Golden Spiral, our outdoor classroom sculpture consists of a continuous bench that twists vertically and widens as it reaches the spiral’s origin to form a two-sided blackboard.

Funded by the “Building Our Future” Bond and The College of New Jersey
Created in association with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts as part of the Public Building Arts Inclusion Act.

WOWHAUS, comprised of artists Scott Constable and Ene Osteraas-Constable, is an art and design collective focusing on “cultural, historical and ecological factors that shape a sense of place.”

A Photograph:

A white circular bench that curves upward into a chalkboard with built in lights.


TCNJ Art Gallery
Art and Interactive Multimedia Building
The College of New Jersey
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

609.771.2633 Tel
609.637.5193 Fax
