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Passionately: The 2022 TCNJ Faculty Biennial

Now on view!

The text "Passionately 2020" broken up onto 4 lines.


Passionately: 2022 Biennial Faculty Exhibition
November 9 – December 8, 2022
Discussion with the Artists: Wednesday Dec 7 4:00-5:00, Reception to follow

The TCNJ Art Gallery is proud to present recent work by faculty and staff from the departments of Art & Art History and Design & Creative Thinking. The exhibition will highlight painting, sculpture, photography, installation, and video, demonstrating the extraordinary depth and breadth of talent and skill represented in our faculty and staff. The exhibition, Passionately, responds to the TCNJ’s Cultural and Intellectual Community Council (CICC) 2022 learning theme, The Power of Your Passion.

a table full of artwork in front of two art gallery walls

Participating artists include: Jason Alejandro, Anita Allyn, Chung Chak, Shelly Crooz, Colleen Gahrmann, Belinda Haikes, Kyle LoPinto, Elizabeth Mackie, Matthew Pembleton, Margaret Pezalla-Granlund, Patricia Swanson, Marchelo Vera, and Eddie Villanueva.

Two people exploring the exhibits.


TCNJ Art Gallery
Art and Interactive Multimedia Building
The College of New Jersey
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

609.771.2633 Tel
609.637.5193 Fax
