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Willie Cole, Pixels, 2009

Willie Cole is an internationally recognized artist best known for his ability to transform ordinary objects into powerful works of art. In TCNJ’s sculpture, Pixels, he integrates and celebrates many of the subjects taught and learned in the visual arts by taking the digital element of the pixel and making it sculptural. Through the use of exaggerated scale, unexpected materials, dynamic color, and humor, Cole invites viewers to reinvestigate the familiar.

“It’s like minimalism meets 4-bit color” says Cole. “The pixel, or at least the graphic representation of it as a dot, is the common denominator between pointillism, minimalism and digital media.”

Cole’s Pixels were selected by a College committee of faculty, staff, and students, who reviewed the work of more than 75 artists and invited a short list of candidate to submit proposals for a public art work to be installed on the campus as part of the construction of the Art and Interactive Multimedia building. New Jersey, like most states, has Arts Inclusion legislation that encourages public art projects of up to 1.5% of all publicly funded buildings. This includes the other New Jersey college campuses. As with the capital projects on campus, the AIMM building and the sculpture were funded by a bond, not taxes or tuition.

Pixels, 2009

Willie Cole

Art and Interactive Multimedia Building

Four sculptures, each holographic glitter, resin, and steel

Each 8 feet in diameter

Artist’s bio:


TCNJ Art Gallery
Art and Interactive Multimedia Building
The College of New Jersey
2000 Pennington Rd.
Ewing, NJ 08628

609.771.2633 Tel
609.637.5193 Fax
